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“I Have A Vision”

By: Bishop Thelma Pearl

Prophecy Given ‘1994’

While cleaning one day, I found this prophetic work that God gave to me. It was written in the year of 1994. This prophecy is in full fruition. I wanted to convey to people that prophecy is present, past and future. Those of you who have the true Spirit of God that has gifted you to discern, check this prophecy out! I promise no lie!! This stuff is for real! For more information, you can call me at (225) 246-2084. I will await your call. “And ye shall know the truth and truth shall Make you free!” John 8:32

And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, “I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.” Acts 2:17.

In these last and evil days, when perilous times are here. It seems as though trials and tribulations are taking us down the escalators of frustrations and disastrous despairs. Our hopes and dreams seems to be shattered and turned wrong side out; our days and nights are stressful and even unbearable. We are not killed by night only; but openly in the day! Our homes are no longer sheltering us with love and security. Hatred walks in the midst of our families as weapons operating in the midst of a raging warfare with every intention to kill the enemy.

We are going deeper and deeper into an awful recession. SSI, Medicaid, Medicare, eligibility benefits for the poor in all respects are being weaned out.

Can we believe that this is the land of the free and the home of the brave? Where can we find peace? Can there ever be peace on earth? If so, how long will taxes eat up our pay check every time we get a raise? How long will people drive up to the food stamp office in Cadillacs and walk out with $300.00 to $400.00 food stamps, and the poor barely get enough to survive.

How long will good jobs be denied to us because of our color and not because of our ability to perform? How long will Christian people support majority groups hoping to get inside the circle and denounce minority groups?

(1) I have a vision that one day men of power are going to come to realize that even in high places, they are limited and that God is all power.

(2) I have a vision that jobs are going to be given to those who can meet qualifications without discrimination.

(3) I have a vision that Christians are going to get up, stand up, and speak up to sinner men, women, boys and girls that Jesus Christ is the way; Salvation is the only plan.

(4) I have a vision that Missionaries, Ministers and Evangelists are going to stand up and endorse the things that are Christ like.

(5) I have a vision that Christ is going to come back and call this world to order. He’s going to come down from Glory with great power and honor. When He comes, weak men are going to become strong men, hungry souls will become full souls! For Christ is the bread of life! Judges will not make irrational decisions that are cold and unjust. Remember, Christ is the righteous judge.

Yes, our land and world are going to brought under the guidance and supervision of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Christ holds our future in the hollow of His hand, He said, “He whom I hold in the hollow of my hand, all the devils in hell can’t pluck him out!” Yes, I have a vision, its on it’s way to be reality. Christ is the answer! He is the hope of Glory! Over 1900 years ago, He died that we might be free. If the Son (Jesus) has set you free; then you are free indeed.


Things Are Going to Get Better Someday!

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