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ICYMI: Wall Street Journal: Louisiana’s Deal for Hepatitis C Drugs May Serve as Model

Louisiana’s new program has ‘revolutionized treatment’ for hepatitis C, says Cassandra Youmans, a doctor at University Medical Center New Orleans.

BATON ROUGE – Ted Alcorn of the Wall Street Journal highlights how Louisiana's plan for a statewide elimination of Hepatitis C could serve as a model for states across the country. 

Excerpts from the piece are below: 

"Where Louisiana previously saw costs increase with every patient it enrolled in treatment, this arrangement incentivizes the state to identify and treat as many people as possible because the marginal cost of each additional patient is essentially zero. With the new contract signed, the state has promised to treat 80% of both Medicaid and correctional populations by 2024."

"Health-policy experts say the agreement—the first of its kind for a U.S. state—could serve as a model for other health-care payers increasingly looking for innovative ways to manage costs and pay more directly for health itself." 

Click here to read The Wall Street Journal article. 

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