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State Senator Regina Barrow Reminds Voters of Available Options During Covid-19 Pandemic

State Senator Regina Barrow
Urges All Citizens To Exercise Their Fundamental Right To Vote

State Senator Regina Barrow is urging all citizens to participate in the upcoming elections and use the options available to them if they have suffered from or are at a high risk of contracting COVID-19. Sen. Barrow said that while her bill, Senate Bill 486, to expand voting-by-mail during a state of emergency was not approved by the legislature, she wants to remind voters that an emergency plan approved earlier this spring does afford voters with some options including: (1) Expanded early voting period (increased from seven to 13 days). (2) Additional reasons to absentee vote, including if a voter is at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 due to serious underlying medical conditions; is subject to a medically necessary quarantine or isolation; is advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine due to COVID-19 concerns; is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and seeking a medical diagnosis; or is caring for an identified individual who is subject to a medically necessary quarantine or isolation order as a result of COVID-19. (3) Individuals who are 65 years of age or older can already request an absentee ballot and are encouraged to do so. “Considering the unprecedented times and risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, I believe that everyone should have the option to submit a mail-in ballot without having to request a special form,” said Sen. Barrow. “Unfortunately, my bill to provide for that did not pass. However, I want to ensure that everyone knows that there are other options available to them so that their right to vote is not suppressed. I want to encourage everyone to exercise that right this summer.” Senator Barrow also reminds voters of the following dates and deadlines: July 11 Presidential Preference Primary/Municipal Primary - Deadline to Register to Vote by Mail/in Person – June 10 - Deadline to Register to Vote Online – June 20 - Deadline to Request Mail Ballot – 4:30 p.m. on July 7 - Early Voting: June 20 – July 4 August 15 Municipal/General - Deadline to Register to Vote by Mail/in Person – July 15 - Deadline to Register to Vote Online – July 25 - Deadline to Request Mail Ballot – 4:30 p.m. on August 11 - Early Voting: July 25 – August 8 More information on the emergency election plan can be found here: The form to request a mail in ballot can be found here: And, more dates and deadlines are available here:

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